it is over and so there is no point thinking about it anymore. now, i just had to hope the minimum good karma i had accumulated over the years will work.
the deadlines were a mad rush but it was great fun working with the fellow costa ricans. i guess we might be the most happening group who think of celebration ideas for every submission date. the most amazing part is we all did not start off as friends. the group was formed by complete strangers. we might have heard of the name or knew this person exist, but we arent considered on the friends basis. so how? because i know someone from the other group and it just happened that we needed each other to form the 5 members group. glad we did that.
the countdown to my final days as an official student has started. 2 more weeks and it is really the final goodbye. it is not like the graduation ceremony we all had in primary/secondary/JC. this is THE END. i have been waiting for this day to come but when it is here, it feels different. hmmm..

i agree it feels different when it is here. and we are really the most happening group around!
outing after exams? ahha
yeah! we can have our next outing when db finishes his last exam. =)
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